4 Things to be Thankful for During Christmas

Christmas is here! When it comes to this festive holiday, sumptuous feasts, gifts galore, and spending time in the company of your loved ones are some of the things that one might usually associate with it.
Most importantly, however, it’s also the time for one to remember to stop and show appreciation for the things that you have.
Here are four things to be grateful for during this wonderful time of the year:
Family and Friends
Through thick and thin, your kin and your companions are there to catch you when you fall, and to support you as you aspire to great heights. Your bond with them is timeless, as are the memories that you have created – and are going to create – with them.
Don’t forget to show them how much you care for them, whether it’s by giving them Christmas presents or simply telling them: “Thank you for everything, I love you.”
Your Senses
The dulcet sound of voices singing carols, the radiant colours of Christmas decorations, the feel of wrapping paper, and the divine smell and taste of pork, pies and pudding … indeed, your basic senses are certainly to be appreciated, especially at this time of the year.
Remember to never take your senses for granted – there are others out there who lack one or more of these, and are unable to appreciate the joys of life like you already can.
Food and Shelter
Whether it’s an intimate Christmas dinner party at your home, or a Yuletide feast at a fancy restaurant, spare a thought for those who have little or nothing to eat everyday, or have no place to live. Indeed, to be able to eat food and have access to shelter all year ‘round are blessings to never, ever forsake.
Your Health
As you make a toast to the festive season and the new year ahead, be thankful for your good health. If you had been afflicted – or are afflicted – with an illness, acknowledge that you at least have access to healthcare and medication, and that you have loved ones who will care for you when you’re unwell.